Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Counting down to unemployment

Only about 9 days more to go before I sack myself officially from my full-time job. This is the right choice. I struggled alot before deciding to resign. It is never easy to be different from many others - being out of job voluntarily while others feel the need to have one since the job market is bad now. For those of you, my friends, who are currently enjoying your work, you are blessed. It is a mistake that I resigned from a job I love almost 2 years ago. I seriously wonder if I would ever be so lucky again.

my new pot of plant

If you are like me, going to be unemployed soon and trying to make sense what actually happened... let's be strong. Let's try to be positive. Most importantly, let's be grateful for the good things we still have in life.  **hugs**

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